
Hoping to transform your current abode into the home you’ve always wanted? Starting anew with a well-defined knockdown and rebuild project by a certified home builder might just be the thing!

When planning a knockdown and rebuild, one of the first questions that often arises in the mind of a homeowner is – ‘how much time is required for successful completion of a knockdown rebuild project?’ Read on for our comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about the process.


What is the knockdown and rebuild process?

Kaplan, as an experienced home builder in Sydney with a proven track record, takes about 8 to 12 months to complete the process, of which about 5 months are dedicated to pre-construction. However, many factors impact the average timeline – soil or land issues, design change, project complexity, financial delays and more. We have another blog post that goes into detail about these factors and we recommend a read of it to give you some more insights.
So to get a better picture, it is important to be aware of the 5 stages involved in a knockdown rebuild project.

1. Research & approvals

To start off, it’s best for you to do some in-depth research about the regulations imposed by the council on demolition and construction of buildings in your locality. Some councils have strict laws on local structures and overlays. This will significantly affect the overall design of the home. Therefore your first step should be to get in touch with the local council to understand what can be built and what needs to be avoided. This will give you a realistic idea of what’s possible and maybe even help you choose the house design to suit your land.

2. Choose a home design and finalise the contract

At this stage, Kaplan will work closely with you, ensuring you can find the perfect design to fit your requirements. Once the decision is made, our experts perform comprehensive assessments to provide an accurate tender price for the project. These assessments involve site inspections and surveys along with the purchase of the plans and schematics of the services connecting your land such as the water, electrical and sewage. Any technical issues affecting your build will be uncovered during these preliminary assessments in order to allow time for plan changes, if required, early in the process.

3. Select desired colours & finishes

The fun part comes once the house plans are finalised 🙂 Our Project Coordinators (PC) will guide your way during exterior and interior colour selections. You have the opportunity to either select from pre-designed models or customize the finishes and features with our interior designers on hand to assist.

4. Construction

After everything falls into place – the council approvals, the initial design, and your selections, we begin building! At this stage you’ll be meeting your Site Supervisor, who along with your PC will keep you informed throughout the construction process, ensuring optimal transparency. You can visit and inspect the site during construction, however this must be pre-arranged as there are many hazards present on an active build site. We stand by our work and you are free to arrange inspections from licensed building inspectors after every main stage of construction to give you an independent assessment.

5. Handover & post construction

Upon successful completion of the knockdown rebuild project, a final walkthrough inspection is carried out and the keys are handed over to satisfied and happy clients. Our Site Supervisors will still come by at regular intervals in the months following handover to check the house as it settles in and rectify any issues if they arise.

Kaplan understands how frustrating and costly building delays can be, especially when renting and waiting for the construction of your new home. To end the construction delay miseries of our client, we bring an exclusive build time guarantee of $1,000 per week from the moment the construction begins. If the project takes more time than expected, Kaplan will pay you $1,000 every week, right until the completion of the project! When you choose us, your knockdown rebuild project is in the hands of an experienced, dedicated and committed home builder in Sydney.

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